
우실하, 동북공정의 최종판 ‘요하문명론’

알캥이 | 2012.06.18 18:11 | 조회 8812
우실하, "동북공정의 최종판 ‘요하문명론’ " [단군학연구] 제15호( 2006. 12), 5-35쪽.

Woo Sil-Ha ‘The Doctrine of Liao-he Civilization’(遼河文明論) as a final phase of ‘Dong-buk Project’(東北工程, North-east Historical Project of China) pp. 5~35 (31 pages)
Ⅰ. 동북공정에 대한 오해
Ⅱ. 요하문명론(遼河文明論)
Ⅲ. 몇 가지 제언
Ⅳ. 글을 맺으며
영어 초록
A series of Chinese national projects on history, such as 'Dan-dae Project' (斷代工程: 1996-2000), 'Tam-won Project'(探源工程: 2003- ) has a hidden goal to establish Neo-Imperialism of China. Now a days in Chinese, 'The Doctrine of Liao-he Civilization'(遼河文明論) has been projected as a final phase of 'Dong-buk Project'(東北工程, North-east Historical Project of China).
In this paper the author suggests that many kinds of Chinese national projects on history concentrats on 'The Doctrine of Liao-he Civilization(遼河文明論)' as a final phase of 'Dongbuk Project'(東北工程, North-east Historical Project of China). Especially 'Niu-he-liang' Hong-shan Cultural Site in Liao-he valley is endowed with all conditions to be a state some 5500 years ago.
The author suggests the background of 'The Doctrine of Liao-he Civilization (遼河文明論)' and the intention of 'The Doctrine of Liao-he Civilization'. Especially, the author suggests that the leader of ‘Liao-he Civilization’(遼河文明) is not ancient Chinese people, but ancient Korean people.
<키워드 >
동북공정(東北工程), 하상주단대공정, 중화문명탐원공정, 홍산문화(紅山文化), 요하문명, Dong-buk Project, Dan-dae Project(斷代工程), Tam-won Project (探源工程), Hong-shan culture, Liao-he valley(遼河流域)

* 출처: 우실하 홈페이지
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